CAF Delegation Visited Poland
A CAF delegation led by President Prof. Zhang Shougong visited Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland in June 2018. The delegation consisted of heads of CAF institutes of subtropical forestry, forest resource information techniques, resource insects and wood industry. During the visit, the delegation met with Prof. Tadeusz Moskalik, vice dean of the Faculty of Forestry and talked about disciplinary development, forestry education and research management, etc. The delegation had a guided tour to laboratories of forest plants, forest management planning and mapping, sivilculture, forest utilization, forest protection and ecology and dendrochronology.
The delegation also visited the Forest Research Institute of Poland, and met Prof. Jacek Hilszczanski, Director of the Institute. The delegation learnt research progresses in fields like forest resources monitoring, fire prevention, etc. They paid a visit to the institute’s lab of forest soil. During the visit, forest research cooperation between CAF and the institute and also the cooperation under the framework of China-CEECs forest cooperation were discussed.
Photo: CAF Delegation visited Warsaw University of Life Sciences