NFC – Forest Research Institute




Slovakia, T. G. Masaryka 22, 960 92 Zvolen

Contact point

045/532 03 16


NFS is a semi-budgetary scientific and professional organization established by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic dealing with research, training, information management and planning in the field of forestry and forest products utilization. NFC secures tasks in the field of forest-related research, expertise, education and consultancy, forest monitoring, forest management planning and related reporting obligations. NFC represents the Slovak Republic in various international bodies, processes and initiatives (e.g. Forest Europe, FAO, UNECE, IUFRO, EFI, FTP, SCAR, BIOEAST) and secure tasks of national legislation such as control of forest reproductive material, operation of the national Forest Protection Service, supervision of national forestry databases, crisis management in the case of forest calamities, etc.

NFC (or NLC in Slovak language) is involved:
- Finding better ways of sustainable management of natural resources, improving tree quality and forest operations and helping clients to solve forestry and tree-related problems.
- Linking the relevant research and know-how to forest and woodland practice.
- Chemical analysis of plant, water, soil and animal tissue samples, testing of plant stock quality and tree assessment products. Foliar analysis service – chemical analysis of foliage.
- Finding ways to enhance public awareness about multiple aspects of forest management and the role of forests in the society. Implementing new approaches to life-long education of forestry professionals.
- Technical and environmental services and advice to scientists, forest managers and land based industries – surveying, experiments, and software solutions.
- Laboratory-based diagnostic services, computer-based decision support systems, treatment services, herbicidal and other products.
Forestry library, photographic library, and technical forestry and environmental publications.

FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE (FRI) is one of the four NFC institutes, performing complex tasks of applied research within forestry and forest-based industry by progressive, dynamic way, involving innovation development towards bioeconomy. NFC-FRI is represented by research and demonstration basis with cross-cutting cooperation of NFC-FRI departments, bringing together industry, research and policy as:

- Coordinator of the National Forest Centre International cooperation
- Coordinator of forest-wood complex innovation development in Slovakia
- Coordinator of China-CEEC Working group: Forest wood machinery and equipment
- Coordinator of BIOEAST Forestry Working Group (11 SEE countries) in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development SR
- Coordinator of National Support Group of the Forest-based Sector Technology Platform, recognized member of FTP
- Coordinator of LignoSilva Centre of Excellence development, awarded by EC Seal of Excellence
- Coordinator and partner of significant international consortia cooperating with relevant competent centres, clusters within common projects